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Advanced Vestibular Treatment®

Vestibular treatment helps alleviate dizziness and imbalance from vestibular disorders.

Read More About The Treatment
"I was a bit nervous to have my hearing and balance tested. However, the doctors and staff made me feel comfortable. It was a comprehensive analysis of my hearing and balance. I am very grateful for the care that the doctors took in addressing all of my hearing and balance issues."
James E.



Videonystagmography (VNG) is widely recognized as the standard test for diagnosing vestibular disorders. However, reliance solely on VNG can lead to a significant oversight, with studies indicating that 68% of patients with vestibular disorders may be missed. To counteract this limitation, Southwest Balance Dizziness & Ear Institute employs a full vestibular diagnostic battery, leveraging the latest advancements in technology to achieve a diagnostic sensitivity of 95%.

Unlike traditional VNG that identifies vestibular disorders in only 32% of cases, our comprehensive diagnostic approach ensures that only 5% of patients remain unidentified.


Our approach goes beyond the simple binary of peripheral vs. central vestibular function. Utilizing current technological capabilities, we can assess the functional status of all 10 peripheral vestibular end organs both statically and dynamically. This includes:

  • Evaluating movements beyond 0.004 Hz
  • Assessing the vestibular ocular reflex (VOR) and vestibular spinal reflex (VSR)
  • Testing otolith function and the otolith ocular reflex (OOR)
  • Examining the function of both the superior and inferior portions of the vestibular nerve


Our detailed diagnostic process, which assesses the 10 vestibular end organs under both static and dynamic conditions, allows us to tailor treatment programs specifically to each patient's vestibular thresholds and current functional status. This nuanced approach enables us to move beyond generic treatments, ensuring that our patients receive care that is directly aligned with their specific needs.


Our audiologist-directed AVT achieves up to 93% clinical efficacy, with only 7% of patients not experiencing significant measurable improvements. This stands in stark contrast to the 50-70% efficacy rate associated with traditional methods, which leave 30-50% of patients without significant improvements.

AVT focuses on integrating the vestibular ocular reflex (VOR), vestibulospinal reflex (VSR), and otolith functions, based on the diagnostic thresholds of the patient. It combines physical exercises with optokinetic stimulation, addressing both somatosensory and visual balance components crucial for the re-weighting process during compensation.


An impressive 93% of patients report both objective and subjective improvements after completing 6 weeks of AVT, with many achieving normative data results. This is a testament to the effectiveness of our advanced approach compared to traditional methods.

Vestibular Treatment in Phoenix, AZ

Southwest Balance offers a range of vestibular services for conditions such as BPPV (Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo), Labrynthitis, and Meniere’s Disease, among others. If you're struggling with symptoms like dizziness, vertigo, or imbalance, it's essential to consider Advanced Vestibular Treatment®. With evidence-based assessment and treatment techniques, our audiologists can help you regain your quality of life sooner.


Renzo Mora, Francesco Mora, Barbara Crippa, Stefano Ottoboni, Maria Paola Cordone, Marco Barbieri. (2003). Virtual Reality and vestibular rehabilitation. Six years of experience. Archives of Sensology and Neurootology in Science and Practice - ASN. Proceedings XXX Congress of theGNA-NES – Oporto - Portugal – 2003 – Page 1. ISSN 1612 - 3352

Mango H, Pearce B, Pilgrim S, Grace J, Gonzalez J,Guzzo V. (2017). Retrospective case study, review of AVT Success Rate; Jan 2014-February 2017

Krebs, D.E., Gill-Body, K.M., Parker, S.W., Ramirez, J.V., Wernick-Robinson, M. (2003). Vestibular rehabilitation: Useful but not universally so. Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, 128(2)240-250

Dobie, T.G., May, J.G., Elder, S.T., & Kubitz, K.A.A comparison of two methods of training resistance to visually-induced motion sickness. Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine, 58(9-2), A34-A41

Rossi-Izquierdo, M., Santos-Pérez, S., & Soto Varela, A. (2011). What is the most effective vestibular rehabilitation technique in patients with unilateral peripheral vestibular disorders? Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol, 268, 1569-1574.

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Conveniently located near the intersection of 7th Street and Indian School Road.

Southwest Balance, Dizziness & Ear Institute (formerly Arizona Balance & Hearing Aids)

4004 N 7th St.Phoenix, AZ 85014